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Today in Supreme Court History: October 3

Clark v. Hancock,94 U.S. 493 (decided October 3, 1876): Court can dismiss a non-jurisdictional case without having to wait for the return date (Waite points out that petitioner admitted there was no federal issue and relied on prior practice where one had to wait for the return date — what was the point? was there oral argument on cert petitions in those days? what did petitioner’s attorney want? he knew he would get a chilly reception — maybe to admire the curtains?)

In re Disbarment of Kristan Peters-Hamlin, 137 S.Ct. 287 (decided October 3, 2016): she had altered deposition transcripts, and copied them for use in another case in violation of confidentiality order; later appeared on CNN as a “former federal prosecutor” opining on the Mueller investigation

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