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Today in Supreme Court History: October 27

Maxwell v. Bugbee, 250 U.S. 525 (decided October 27, 1919): New Jersey tax on out-of-state inheritor based on ratio of property owned in state to out-of-state does not amount to an impermissible tax on out-of-state property (which would violate art. IV, §2, clause 1)

Simpson v. Union Oil Co. of California, 396 U.S. 13 (decided October 27, 1969): whether past damages are available for illegally requiring fixed sale price of gasoline sold “on consignment” (a violation of the Sherman Act) is to be determined case by case, but in this case, they are

United States v. Morton, 112 U.S. 1 (decided October 27, 1884): time spent as cadet at West Point counted towards “time in service” for the purpose of calculating increase in pay

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