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Today in Supreme Court History: October 24

Robinson v. Hanrahan, 409 U.S. 38 (decided October 24, 1972): forfeiture of car after armed robbery conviction violated Due Process; notice of forfeiture was mailed to defendant’s house when state knew he was sitting in prison

Hopkins v. United States, 171 U.S. 578 (decided October 24, 1898): restrictions on activities of members of cattle market in Kansas City (both Kansas and Missouri) do not restrain interstate commerce in violation of Sherman Act

Smallwood v. Gallardo, 275 U.S. 56 (decided October 24, 1927): courts were divested of authority to hear suits to restrain collection of taxes in “Porto Rico” by subsequent Act of Congress; though Act allowed writs of mandamus, it specifically excluded from jurisdiction suits to restrain collection of taxes

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