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Today in Supreme Court History: July 13

Julian v. United States, 463 U.S. 1308 (decided July 13, 1983): request for bail denied by Rehnquist because grant of certiorari appeared very unlikely (applicant had been caught with drugs while trying to board flight to Peru -- sure sounds like a flight risk to me)

Capital Cities Media v. Toole, 463 U.S. 1303) decided July 13, 1983): refusing to rule on stay (affirmed by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court) of order prohibiting press disclosure of jury photos and other jury information; denial was without prejudice to renew pending appeal of related orders; later the Court denied a stay by remanding to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for a decision on reasons for upholding the prohibition; on remand the Pennsylvania court held it did not have jurisdiction for this application (now they tell us!)

Carter v. United States, 75 S.Ct. 911 (decided July 13, 1955): Frankfurter denies motion to extend time to file for certiorari; rejected “new counsel” and “busy with criminal matters” excuse (“sorry, I have to put the Supreme Court on the back burner because I have more important things to do!”)

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