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Today in Supreme Court History: August 22

California v. American Stores Co., 492 U.S. 1301 (decided August 22, 1989): O’Connor continues injunction preventing merger of supermarket chains which might violate Clayton Antitrust Act; notes circuit split as to whether “injunction” under statute includes divestiture as a remedy (the Court found that it did, 495 U.S. 271, 1990)

Matter of Lovett, 143 S.Ct. 69 (decided August 22, 2022): Jonathan Lovett of Somers, N.Y. (not far from where I am) suspended (and later disbarred); he did not oppose the notice of disbarment, nor did he oppose the disbarment proceedings in state court or even cooperate with the investigation (194 A.D.3d 39); however he is still listed on Yelp in case you’re thinking of hiring him (he had a well-documented career as a civil rights attorney)

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